Apply to Ride

Eligibility and Requirements

CTREE will make eve1y effort to meet the needs of all riders who apply for therapeutic riding or equine assisted activities. However, the nature of these activities includes limitations, precautions and occasionally contraindications. These are due to a variety of causes, most notably the following:

  • Size and weight-carring ability of the available horses

  • Nature of a disability or condition that would make it unsafe for an individual to ride

  • Inability to schedule riding time to coincide with an individual's school or work schedule

Medical Precautions and Contraindications
Information is available for review by request from Coordinator.

Physicians Statement
All CTREE riders must have a signed and dated statement from their doctor.

Therapeutic riding riders must be at least 5 years of age. Riders under the age of 5 are accepted under special circumstances.

Weight Limit
CTREE reserves the right to impose a weight limit in the event that no horse is available to safely cany a rider weighing over 170 pounds. A lower limit may be imposed if illness or inju1y prevents the use of a suitable horse.

Inappropriate, unsafe or disruptive behavior or any condition where the client is harmful to him/herself or others is a contraindication to therapeutic horseback riding.

Cancellation Policy
We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. If CTREE is not notified within 24 hours of a cancelation of a schedule lesson we will need to charge you for the lesson. Please call 631.488.0142 to notify us if the rider is unable to attend a lesson.

Rider Evaluation

Each potential CTREE rider will receive an initial evaluation by a PATH Int'I. certified instructor. Based on this evaluation and the rider's medical reports, the rider will be advised if therapeutic riding is a recommended form of recreation. Under certain conditions a rider's condition may change and a re-evaluation becomes necessa1y. Based on this re­evaluation, the rider may have to cease riding. A doctor's written verification is required for the rider to resume riding.

Thank you for understanding these guidelines. It is the intent of CTREE to provide the safest possible therapeutic riding lessons for our riders. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us.

The Rider Application

Click the button below to start the application. The application has five steps. You will need your/your child’s physician contact number, health insurance policy number, and emergency contact information. Please have this information ready so you can complete all the steps at once to ensure timely and proper processing of your application.